Looking for a family cargo trike that combines safety, comfort, and effortless riding? Black Iron Horse cargo bikes stand out with revolutionary Ackerman Steering, a low-maintenance design, and brand-name electrical assists. Designed for urban families, these three-wheeled cargo bikes offer a safe alternative to a car that cuts costs and increase last-mile efficiency. Smiles for the last mile! Read more and see how Black Iron Horse is the evolution of the modern cargo trike and how it can transform your life!
Why Choose a Cargo Trike Versus a Cargo Bike?
For many new parents, having a child means that life changes overnight. The school run, grocery trips, and daily commutes suddenly demand a new platform for practicality. Many turn to a minivan, even if they don’t want to. Buying a minivan is almost an unconscious choice – some Freudian superego commanding that having kids means owning a minivan. But, once your caught in the perennial gridlock of any major city, a minivan proves costly, inefficient and quite awful for your blood pressure. Plus, kids don’t like minivans either.
But, these days, there are enough cargo cyclists out there that one might notice friends or neighbors effortlessly pedaling their kids to school. You realize: these aren’t seasoned cyclists, yet they ride every day. This could be you! This moment of enlightenment produces a very conscious choice, and a choice you won’t regret. Take that, super ego! Maybe its our own inner child speaking, but being transported by cargo trike is probably the coolest way to grow up in the big city.
The Evolution of the Cargo Trike
In a world where everything seems to be made in China, Black Iron Horse cargo bikes are proudly made in Copenhagen. It is here that frames are welded and finished with a rust-resistant powder coat. The cargo boxes are crafted from sustainable recycled plastic that protect your kids with high impact-resistant safety.
Designed for maximum stability, a three-wheeled cargo bike offers a more secure ride than two-wheeled alternatives. How? Well, unlike traditional bicycles, trikes remain upright even when stationary, eliminating the need for riders to balance when stopping or starting. The wide wheelbase distributes weight evenly, reducing the risk of tipping, especially when carrying children or heavy cargo. This makes them an ideal choice for urban families seeking a cargo bike with zero learning curve.
Ackerman vs. Pivot Steering
All trikes offer great stability but that does not mean that they offer superior handling. Yet, both are absolutely critical. That is why steering is a key differentiator when shopping for a cargo trike. Many brands use pivot steering, where the entire cargo box moves – not unlike a Dickie Dee Ice Cream trike. The more weight you put into a bike with pivot-steering, the heavier the steering becomes. And, the heavier the steering becomes, the less you can react in traffic. If you’re carrying ice cream, that’s fine. But, if you’re carrying kids your mantra needs to be safety first.
This safety first approach is why Black Iron Horse uses Ackerman steering. Unlike pivot steering, Ackerman steering replicates automotive steering dynamics. That means that only the front wheels turn, not the entire box. This shouldn’t be revolutionary, but it is. A survey of most cargo trikes reveal a heavy preponderance of pivot steering. Not good. A Black Iron Horse has the handling of a regular bike with the stability of a trike. And, an impact resistant box to keep the kids safe. If safety is the key adjective, Black Iron Horse provides the grammar.
The History and Evolution of Danish Cargo Trikes
Denmark is the birthplace of the modern three-wheeled cargo bike, and no country has refined the design more. The first widely known model, the Christiania bike, was developed in the late 1970s for the car-free island of Christiania. However, these bikes featured pivot steering, making them cumbersome and difficult to maneuver, especially when loaded.
As demand for more refined cargo bikes grew, brands like Winther and Nihola introduced improvements. Winther lightened the frame and box but retained pivot steering, which was suitable for its rural Aarhus origins but less ideal for urban environments. Nihola introduced Ackerman steering, improving handling and stability, though their bikes remained heavy and featured proprietary, low-serviceability motors. Whereas competing companies outside of Denmark like Bunch, Babboe and others continue to sell heavy pivot steering bikes, Black Iron Horse continues to improve on the already improved.
Serviceable and High-Performance Motors
Black Iron Horse is the only cargo trike brand combining Ackerman steering with globally serviceable, high-quality motors. The only other competitor, Nihola, who use Ackerman steering use proprietary motors that lack North American support. That makes repairs difficult. Black Iron Horse trikes feature Shimano motors. This ensures universal serviceability and long-term reliability.
Synced to the Shimano motor is an integrated best-in-class Shimano drivetrain. Besides being incredibly low maintenance, the Shimano EP6 motor system includes electronic shifting, eliminating the problem of frozen cables in winter. Likewise, hydraulic brakes provide consistent stopping power in all weather conditions. With a range of up to 80 km per charge, Black Iron Horse bikes are the ultimate minivan replacement.
The Polly
As we’ve seen, Black Iron Horse takes handling seriously. That’s why their larger Polly models – used as bicycle schoolbuses throughout Denmark – feature rear-wheel steering. While Ackerman steering is ideal for compact cargo boxes, rear-wheel steering enables a larger box without sacrificing maneuverability. It might feel like you’re twerking a little bit, but the handling is second to none. Plus, you’re among Canadian royalty – we sold one to Jagmeet Singh!
This rear-wheel steering system, commonly used in high-performance sports cars and forklifts, has a remarkably tight turning radius. Available in limited quantities, this model can be special-ordered from Copenhagen with a lead time of 1-2 months.