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Joy Rides! An Interview with Canada’s Brompton Ambassador

Janet-Joy Wilson is one of a few official Brompton Ambassadors in North America. In 2024, Janet-Joy moved back to Toronto from New York City. Living in New York was always her dream, but the job offered little empowerment. For the return trip back, Janet-Joy decided to make it human powered. Taking the Empire State Trail...


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Pedaal Powered at Pride

Pedaal had been open for a mere 1.5 months when MAC Cosmetics contacted us, asking if we’d like to participate in the 2024 Pride Parade. Answer: yes! Emphatic Yes! In fact, we were thrilled! With one Bullitt-X cargo bike full of samples and two Black Iron Horses cargo trikes – there to provide a rolling...


What is a Cargo Bike and Who is it For?

What kind of bike is that? It’s the question you’ll often be asked when riding a cargo bike around. A popular Google search query is “bike with a box in front,” indicating that some fascinated person saw a cargo bike but had no idea what it was called. Cargo bikes aren’t new – they’ve been...


What is a Folding Bike and Who is it For?

One thing about folding bikes is that they evoke immediate curiosity… what is this bike with small wheels? What does it ride like? And, perhaps the most common question: how does it fold? Indeed, a folding bike produces questions because a folding bike is designed to answer a ton of questions! In fact, few other bikes can provide...


To the Moon with Brompton!

One thing we’ve always loved about the Toronto Brompton Owners Group is the way they’ll find any reason to ride together. In this case, the event was the “waning gibbous moon,” a stage of the moon where it is between full moon and half moon. Waning indicates the moon is moving from full moon to...


Wheeling Through Toronto Book Launch

On May 22nd, Pedaal was the first stop in a multi-store tour launching Albert Koehl’s new book, “Wheeling Through Toronto.” Albert is a well-known face in the Annex and Harbord Village neighbourhood, and he’s especially known in cycling advocacy as a careful and discerning voice. In many ways, Albert’s work pays homage to those Annex...


E-Bike Festival

On May 11th we were thrilled to be part of the first annual E-BIKE FESTIVAL, held at the Zygg headquarters on Sorauren Avenue.
