One thing we’ve always loved about the Toronto Brompton Owners Group is the way they’ll find any reason to ride together. In this case, the event was the “waning gibbous moon,” a stage of the moon where it is between full moon and half moon. Waning indicates the moon is moving from full moon to half moon, and gibbous indicates the illuminated part is smaller than a circle yet greater than a semi-circle. Indeed, our route was neither a circle nor semi-circle, and we can report that the enthusiasm never waned. (Even when the clouds rolled in!).

What’s also lovely about the Brompton Owners Group is that they really don’t care if you own a Brompton. The truth is, what Brompton riders have in common is an infectious love for this tool that is at once practical and totally open to adventure. After all, what other bike fits in the overhead compartment of a plane? What other bike comes with you on your next visit to Spain? And, what other bike isn’t a pain? Or: what other bike can you take into a pub and tuck under your stool; as many of us did post-ride?

Pedaal was designed for events like this and we absolutely relished the chance to offer our new space to old friends and new faces. And, it was a packed ride! Who knew a phase of the moon could bring so many people out?! True to the theme of the waning gibbous moon, we were first presented with a bespoke poem presented by Leah Bobet. Leah remark on their website that “I sort of love this as the kind of event that opens with an invocation,” and we couldn’t agree more. The night became pure poetry.

From there, we were led by Janet-Joy Wilson – Toronto’s official Brompton Ambassador – along Bloor Street to High Park, where we rode down to the waterfront and settled ourselves to a lovely view of the city. Did we see the moon? We did not. Alas, clouds rolled in and covered the sky. But, as said: enthusiasm never waned. The poem was so good – as was the socializing – that you might say that we were “over the moon,” and in the best way possible!

Pedaal will be launching more Brompton rides in the future, so stay tuned! Or, be sure to check the Brompton Toronto Meetup Page.